My Health and Wellness CornerTM focuses on keeping things simple.  We are all busy and don’t have time to spend hours and hours on end on meal planning and food preparation.  Another adage of which I am fond is the “KISS” or “Keep It Simple, Sweetie” method.  There is no reason we should spend oodles of money buying food and products which really are not good for us when we can make similar things that are better for us and more fun to make! 🙂

The recipes for both food and personal care products that are on this site do not take very long — most of them take less than 30 minutes — except for meals using slow cookers.  My Health and Wellness CornerTM does not yet have access to an Instant Pot, but that is on the wish list.  😀  Recipes for that mode of cooking also will be posted when that momentous occasion occurs.